Life or Death for US Business Methods Patents?

Ronald E. Myrick, Finnegan firm

The United States Supreme Court has taken up a case which will have dramatic impact in the United States for domestic and foreign users of the United States patent system no matter which way the case is decided.  Mr. Ronald E. Myrick, who appeared before the United States Supreme Court in the case of Bilski v. Kappos, will describe the proceedings before the Supreme Court in that case, providing interesting personal reflections upon the process used to interest the Court in the case, and the conduct of the hearing itself.  He will also assess the implications of the case for areas of patent law not necessarily related to business method patents, as the case has been applied by lower courts very broadly.  If a decision has been rendered by the Supreme Court at the time of this program, he will provide insights into the impact of the decision for foreign and domestic applicants in the United States patent system.  He will also provide summaries of additional significant recent developments in U.S. case law.