MIPLC graduates have the unique opportunity to apply for Ph.D. scholarships at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition through the MIPLC-funded Ph.D. Program. Exclusively available to MIPLC alumni, this program offers an excellent pathway for those looking to advance their academic careers and pursue research or professorship roles. Many of our alumni have successfully followed this path, contributing to academia both in Germany and internationally, shaping the future of intellectual property, competition law, and digital innovation.
MIPLC Class of 2014/15
Doctoral Student and Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Doctoral Candidate, University of Munich (Ludwig Maximilians Universität)
Doctoral Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Josef Drexl, LL.M. (Berkeley)
Research Topic: Competition Law Control of Excessive and Unfair Prices of Pharmaceuticals: An EU and South African Perspective
MIPLC Class of 2016/17
Visiting Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Doctoral Candidate, University of Munich (Ludwig Maximilians Universität)
Doctoral Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Leistner, LL.M. (Cambridge)
Research Topic: Mandatory Business Data Portability in Cloud Services
MIPLC Class of 2016/17
Doctoral Student and Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Doctoral Candidate, University of Munich (Ludwig Maximilians Universität)
Doctoral Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Josef Drexl, LL.M. (Berkeley)
Research Interests: Competition Law and Policy, Internet Regulation, Legal Implications of the Data-Driven Economy, Consumer Protection, Democracy and Social Media, Political Economy, Legal Theory.
MIPLC Class of 2016/17
Doctoral Student and Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Doctoral Candidate, University of Munich (Ludwig Maximilians Universität)
Doctoral Superivisor: Prof. Dr. Josef Drexl, LL.M. (Berkeley)
Research Topic: Towards Global Data Governance: The Data Protection Dilemma at the WTO
MIPLC Class of 2016/17
Doctoral Student and Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Doctoral Candidate, University of Munich (Ludwig Maximilians Universität)
Doctoral Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Josef Drexl, LL.M. (Berkeley)
Research Topic: Promoting Access and Sharing of Health Data from loT (mHealth) Devices: A Holistic Approach to Balancing Data Protection, Competition, and Innovation